Dublin Unveil 8 New Brogan Brothers Ahead Of This Year’s All Ireland


DUBLIN football selectors have confirmed that as many as 8 new Brogan brothers have come off the production line in a facility in the North of the city, ahead of the beginning of this year’s All Ireland football championship.

“With Alan hanging up his boots and that, we felt we could do with another one or two Brogan brothers, and thankfully Peter, Paul, Trevor, Michael, Alan 2.0, Henry, Darragh and Killian were moulded in a state of the art Brogan cast there last week and they’re raring to go now,” Dublin manager Jim Gavin explained to WWN.

The capital’s ability to draw on cutting edge and hugely expensive cloning technology has added more credence to rival county claims that Dublin is operating with superior resources and budget.

“Ah come on now, that’s not fair. We’re sick of this talk, you’re acting like no other county can fly in a team of Japanese scientists to copy Brogan DNA and grow 8 new players in a billion euro research centre,” Gavin barked back at his rivals.

Dublin’s next big match is in the Football League final against Kerry on the 25th of April, with all 8 new Brogans expected to make their debut.

“We’ll blood a few of them in the league final against Kerry and then should be fully fit for the start of the All Ireland, we won’t rush them as they’re only about 12 hours old at this stage,” Gavin added.
