Enda Kenny Asks Micheál Martin Over To ‘Netflix And Chill’


AN angry Micheál Martin has accused acting Taoiseach Enda Kenny of ‘playing games’ after discovering that his invite to just ‘Netflix and Chill’ in the Taosieach’s place was a complete and utter lie.

“He said he had all of season 2 of Better Call Saul lined up, I’m dying to see it. I should have known better,” the Fianna Fáil leader told WWN.

In recent weeks, there has been little sign that the two parties would be coming together to form a coalition, and it is believed Kenny’s insincere promise of simultaneous Netlfixing and chilling caught Martin off guard.

“I arrived in the door, and he stuck on Marvin Gaye’s ‘Sexual Healing’, he called it his ‘let’s get together’ Spotify playlist. There was a look in his eyes, ya know,” Martin added, clearly vexed by being invited to binge watch on false pretences.

It is believed Kenny then explained he didn’t even have a Netflix account, but they should sit down on the couch and talk ‘friendship, love and coming together’.

“He didn’t have any decent DVDs, just four separate copies of the Quiet Man, if he wants to fool me into forming a coalition with him as Taoiseach, he’ll have to try harder,” concluded Martin.
