Outgoing Labour & Fine Gael TDs Told There’s Always JobBridge


HIGH profile Labour and Fine Gael casualties of the 2016 general election have been inundated with correspondents from thoughtful members of the public who are trying to help the former TDs get a foot back on the employment ladder, WWN has learned.

James Reilly, Alan Shatter, Alex White, Kathleen Lynch, Ciaran Lynch, Jimmy Deenihan and Jerry Buttimer were among the coalition election casualties and once a new government is formed, they face the prospect of being out of a job.

However, in heartwarming scenes large numbers of the Irish public have informed the outgoing TDs of a rewarding internship scheme called JobBridge.

“It’s tough when you lose a job, and I genuinely wouldn’t wish it on anyone. That’s why I’m writing to you,” began one correspondence seen by WWN, which was sent to Alan Shatter via email.

“There’s a newsagents around the corner from me that has a 9 month position for a chief breakfast roll technician. I know what you’re thinking Alan, you don’t have the experience, but if you don’t put yourself up for these sorts of things, you’ve only yourself to blame,” the helpful email concluded.

This rather uncommon outpouring of empathy for exiting TDs is perhaps an indication that the public are slowly beginning to develop an appreciation for their public representatives.

“Ah, they won’t be on the couch for long, just look at these jobs,” explained head of JobBridge coordination Dermot Dolan, “9 month internship, psychologist, minimum 5 years experience, nightclub bouncer, 7 months, minimum experience of 3 violent assaults. And while they work out at about €1.50 an hour, you can’t put a price on the experience they’re getting”.
