Local Man Finally Changes Email Address He’s Had Since School


A MIDDLE-aged man currently residing in Waterford has made the emotional decision to abandon the hotmail address he has used since he was a teenager, in favour of something better suited to a man in his late thirties.

James Nugent, 37, has had [email protected] as his email address for nearly 20 years, and uses it as his login for basically all his online profiles and correspondence.

Although Nugent accepts that JimmyTittyman69 is an unsuitable email contact name for a chartered accountant, he was reluctant to part with it because it would mean changing his details on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkdIn, as well as all his utility bills, taxation forms and dating profiles.

Nevertheless, Nugent has set aside this weekend to fully change all the relevant online paperwork to make sure that everything now operates under his new email, [email protected], before putting the Tittyman out to pasture.

“It just didn’t look good on the CV, you know?” said Nugent, who has built up enough muscle memory over the past two years to be able to type his email details in the dark.

“This looks way better, and I don’t feel embarrassed when I tell people my email anymore. It was just awkward when you sign up for something new like the gym or the parent/ teacher association, to have to say your email had reference to not just breasts, but oral sex too”.

As and from Sunday morning, [email protected] will be available as a hotmail account for anyone that wants it.
