Longford Moved To Brown Spaces On Monopoly Board


THE newest update of the Irish edition of renowned property trading board game Monopoly has moved Longford to the brown spaces right at the start of the board, to mirror the real-life property statistics, which show homes in the county are on average four times cheaper than houses in Dublin.

The average price of a property in Longford was just under €79,000 last year, according to new data from the An Post GeoDirectory database. That puts it firmly in “Old Kent road” territory on the Monopoly board, traditionally the cheapest property in the game.

Conversely, an average house price of €365,000 sees Dublin retain its place as the “Mayfair” on the board, the most expensive place to buy and reserved for players who have gone round the board dozens of times and saved every penny they made along the way without incurring one fine or expenditure.

“Of course, it’s unfair to say that Ireland is exactly like Monopoly, because people actually build houses in Monopoly,” said Cathal Farnin, just some lad we talked to on the bus.

“And in Monopoly, people buy and sell houses and there’s a functioning property market, and the utilities haven’t been sold off by the State. If Monopoly really mirrored the property market in Ireland, people would never move off the square owned by the richest players, and just have their balances bled dry by huge rents and utility charges”.

Meanwhile, estate agents in Longford have been doing their best to convince people that Longford is “commuting distance” from Dublin.
