Rugby ‘Fan’ Dusts Off World Cup Jersey Ahead Of 6 Nations Start


A DIEHARD occasional and seasonal rugby fan has dusted off his Irish rugby jersey ahead of Ireland’s opening 6 Nations match against Wales this Sunday, some 4 months since he last showed any interest in the sport whatsoever.

Dermot Healy, an avid fan of all things rugby given the right set of circumstances, purchased the jersey shortly before Ireland’s loss to Argentina in the 2015 World Cup, and has been itching for a chance to wear it again ever since.

“I’m pumped, I’ll look class,” Healy confirmed to WWN as he was hard at work removing the thick layers of dust that had gathered on the jersey, long abandoned on a shelf in his wardrobe.

“This hoover is useless,” Healy said in between coughing as he breathed in plumes of dust that had gathered on his jersey, “you’d need a state of the art Dyson job thing to get rid of all this”.

In an effort to appear well versed in Ireland’s chances in the upcoming, highly competitive tournament Healy rattled off several well rehearsed names and phrases.

“It’s all about the pack, we need to be like packing the pack and that. And let’s face it Lukey, the boy Bowe, Hendo and O’Mahony are all key,” Healy explained later to co-workers as he proudly proclaimed he’s excited about the match while successfully listing off the names of players ruled out of the tournament through injury.
