Selfish Elderly Relative Dies At Christmas


THE Tramore based Kinsella family has been left inconvenienced by an elderly relative who selfishly decided to pass away this Christmas.

Maura Kinsella (97) had been expected to live past the busy and eventful Christmas period, but selfishly took upon herself to alter the plans of her immediate family.

“Great. That’s Christmas Day ruined,” an annoyed Tom Kinsella, nephew to Maura, shared with his family as they contemplated just leaving the planning until after New Years.

A number of social commitments Tom was looking forward to, including getting pissed in the pub this evening have been curtailed, forcing the not so close knit family to point the finger of blame at Maura for everything.

“Look it, don’t have the funeral on the 27th whatever you do, I’m going on a mad one on Stephen’s night, there’s no chance of getting up early the morning after,” Tom’s eldest son Conor explained, helping to highlight just how awkward the Christmas period has now been made after his great Aunt passed away from pneumonia all of a sudden. “Besides, Willie Wonka is on TV that morning too.”

Following a long family debate, funeral mass for Maura Kinsella will take place at 11am St. Steven’s morning, to accommodate those who already made plans that night.

“It’s what she would have wanted.” added everyone.
