Housing Crisis To Be Solved After We Get Reelected Like Everything Else, Confirm Government


THE Government has reaffirmed its commitment to finding a solution to the current lack of housing being built in the country, before adding that this would only be possible after being reelected some months from now.

While the coalition admits that the shortfall in houses being built is a huge problem for Irish society, it is scientifically impossible to do anything about it for now.

“The science doesn’t lie,” Minister Alan Kelly explained to media outside Leinster House, “it’s really not possible to institute legislative change to help resolve a housing crisis when we’re trying to eek out being reelected, like I said its basic science”.

Some 25,000 housing units need to be built every year to keep up with the current demand, but construction is nowhere near that figure which has resulted in a multitude of problems.

“We’re desperate to fix it, but only after we get reelected, I’m sure you understand,” Taoiseach Enda Kenny added.

“But, look it, when we do get reelected, we promise we’ll have every problem in the country solved straight away,” concluded the Taosieach, echoing the statements made by all opposition leaders.

The Government hasn’t gone on record as to explain how the current problem will be solved, but experts believe it will involve smaller, poorly constructed apartments, which will become increasingly expensive.
