Nation To Spend Next Four Weeks Getting “Last Few Bits And Pieces”


DESPITE spending this past weekend shopping for the last few bits and pieces, the Nation’s consumers will spend every weekend between now and Christmas shopping for even more last few bits and pieces, and may also require a trip to the shops on Christmas Eve for “the very last” few bits and pieces.

Bits and pieces, integral to the enjoyment of any Christmas activities, have been on sale since the beginning of the festive shopping season in mid-August.

Most savvy shoppers have spent the last few weekends in November stocking up on the most important bits and pieces, narrowing their “bits and pieces” list down one bit and one piece at a time.

Having the bulk of their bits and pieces already bought, most consumers are looking forward to a restful December free of traffic-congested trips to overcrowded supermarkets and shopping centres. The past weekend was the cut-off point for many, as they headed to town centers to get the very last few bits and pieces they needed to feed and clothe themselves for winter, as well as decorate their houses and buy presents for everyone they are duty-bound to do so for.

However, studies suggest that even though people may feel they have everything they need, there are still a few stealth bits and pieces unaccounted for, necessitating further trips to the shops between now and the 25th of December.

“There is no such thing as a definitve bits and pieces list,” said Ian Jordan, consumer expert.

“It’s like the horizon. You may think you’ve reached it, but it just keeps moving away. So even though you think you’re all done because you made the trip to the shops to get Christmas crackers, Worcestershire sauce and batteries for the Santa ornament that plays piano, rest assured you have still to go next weekend and get something for your kid’s teacher, a new corkscrew, and maybe a plastic link for the toilet handle because it won’t flush properly”.

Jordan went on to add that although the vast majority of these bits and pieces would still be available from the 26th of December onwards, you need to get them by the 24th or your Christmas is ruined.
