Siteserv Inquiry Postponed Untill After Fine Gael Win Election


THE investigation into the sale of Siteserv to businessman Denis O’Brien and numerous other controversial deals will not be completed until after the next general election, it has been confirmed this week.

The latest delay in the investigation into billions of euro worth of deals by IBRC was revealed by the judge overseeing the inquiry, stating that the commission had not been given sufficient powers by the Government to look into certain transactions.

Speaking to WWN earlier, Taoiseach Enda Kenny also voiced his concerns over the delay: “That’s a shame now so it is. It looks like the conclusion to this investigation could be pushed back ’til after we win the general election. Terrible oversight altogether. And I was really looking forward to seeing who was at fault too.”

The investigation, which was set up five months ago following public pressure, had intended to be completed seven weeks after examining 37 company sales including the questionable Siteserv deal with Denis O’Brien, who later cleaned up on the installation of nearly one million water meters.

“I’m sure there’s nothing too incriminating in the report anyway,” Mr. Kenny added, now counting down the days until he is reinstated as Taoiseach. “I mean, those massive write-downs by IBRC and the unusual share trading before companies were sold is probably nothing to worry your little heads about. And if there is anything wrong, I’ll make sure to punish those responsible in my next term… honest.”

When the inquiry was launched, Finance Minister Michael Noonan and Taoiseach Enda Kenny insisted it would be published before the election.
