Perfect Fucking Family Insists On Leaving Curtains Open At Night For Everyone To See


A COUNTY Kilkenny family has come under fire from local residents this week for constantly leaving their curtains open at night, allowing everyone to see into their perfect fucking lives.

Karl and Tina Tobin, who bought their 5 bedroom home in Elm Pines last year with their three kids, are accused of “flaunting” their functional family to the whole street and carrying on like they don’t even know they’re being watched.

“They make me sick,” neighbour Tommy O’Donughue told WWN this evening. “It’s the first house you see coming into the estate and you can see straight in their sitting room window at night because they leave the curtains open for everyone to see.”

The Elm Pines residents’ association claim the Tobin’s are constantly rubbing everyone’s noses in it with their impeccable way of living.

“The whole family always seem to be engaging and in good humour,” chairman Ted Baker explained. “They were even playing Ludo, one time when I passed. Fucking Ludo! Who even plays that anymore? I’d swear it’s all put on for show.”

“The whole thing is perverted if you ask me,” claimed another neighbour, who believes that people who leave their curtains open are actually hiding something. “The husband’s eyes are very close together too. I just get that feeling from him, you know?”

When asked, the Tobin family refused to comment on the unusual practice, instead advising everyone to ‘mind their own business’.

“There’s a guilty statement if ever I heard one,” said long-time Elm Pines resident Paddy Hackett. “The cracks are slowly beginning to show now.”
