EXCLUSIVE: The Secret Lives Of Selfish Millionaire HSE Nurses


AS nurses at St Vincent’s Hospital begin work-to-rule action, WWN can exclusively reveal that these health workers, who have a disgusting expectation of a modern, well functioning health service, are in fact money mad millionaires who just want to line their own pockets.

Above is the home of Galway based nurse Heather O’Brien. The mother of four might point out to her superiors a number of deficiencies in her department, which could well result in a tragic loss of life, but what she doesn’t point out is that her salary of €6.5 million a year proves these nurses are all about the money.

Nurse Cliona Owens, from Wicklow, might be in negative equity on her house, and nursing a black eye thanks to taking a punch from a drunken reveller in A&E on Saturday, but just check on those wheels! Their complaints of feeling unsafe, understaffed and isolated don’t really tally when you see what they can be buy with their whopper pay packet.

Stressed out after being forced to spend time filling out paperwork due to understaffing instead of attending to patients, but nurse Killian Mullen can’t really complain when his performance review bonus of €300,000 came in and helped build this glorious pool.

Hat tip to the Department of Health and senior HSE management for providing the information contained in the above article to us earlier this morning.
