Lovin’ Waterford: Our Review Of Eating A Chinese in Your Gaff While Watching X-Factor


SATURDAY night gone by, and the Lovin’ Waterford gang had the pleasure of heading round to one of the cities friendliest slickest living rooms to indulge ourselves in some top notch nosh and highly recommended entertains.

Offering some of the most comfortable seating arrangements in the whole of Waterford, your gaff is dressed in pleasing colours, and we managed to get ourselves seated not too far away from the nearest table, where we could rest our ice cold candy-wandies. Result.

Food-wise, we were sorted out with a schwift download of the Just Eat app, and before we knew it our plates hath runneth over with some piping hot noodles ‘n niceties, with a nifty side of prawn cracks to mop up the tastiness when we had filled our bellies: at no stage were we like, what the fuck, where’s my dinner? It was RIGHT THERE. Boomzo.

Naturallisimo, we had some kick-ass entertainment to go along with our night, as our hosts had kindly spared no expense in turning their TV over to the X-Factor, where we could all kick backle and laugh at the durps and the fails and clap along with the guys and girls who could really hit those highs.

Wi-Fi reception in the house was TOP NOTCH too, so we all managed to stay in touch without social media accounts and let everyone know we were on the slouch with a yummy Chinese, some pals, a telly full of the best garbage available and plates full of leftovers the next day. XP all round!

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