World Already Used To Seeing More Of Bieber Than They Wanted To


INTERNET users across the world have reacted with disgust to the leaking of nude pictures of Justin Bieber, stating that they already see enough of the Canadian pop-star as it is.

Paparazzi shots of Bieber strolling nude on the rooftop terrace of a private villa emerged online last night, taken while the singer holidayed in Bora Bora.

Many headlines and tweets stated that the pictures showed “more of Bieber than we wanted to see”, leading many to reply that any Bieber was too much Bieber, and that the world was perfectly used to seeing more of Bieber than they wanted to.

“See more of Bieber than I wanted to? I’d rather blind myself than look at that annoying little fuck” said one extremely vocal 14 year-old Twitter user.

Others went on to state that when it came to nude celebrities, the appeal has very much worn off.

“I remember a time when if you wanted to see a celebrity nude, you had to keep an eye out for sex scenes in movies,” said one jaded 16 year old.

“Now with cell phone hacks and mile-long paparazzi shots, everyone’s bits are flapping around the internet. Who cares anymore? It’s just pulling us down as a species, if you ask me”.

Meanwhile, the paparazzi responsible for taking unauthorized naked pictures of a young man and distributing them online for personal gain is expected to face no criminal charges, as celebrities are not afforded the same rights as other people.
