OMG! This Is What The Leaders Of 1916 Rising Look Like Today


YOU remember them from your history books, but after we did a little digging around on the internet, WWN can bring you these images of the leaders of Ireland’s Easter Rising and a word of warning, you’re going to feel SO old when see them.

All aboard the nostalgia train, this will bring back fond memories, but also totally shock you!

It only seems like yesterday we were looking at the grainy black and photos of Joseph Plunkett but, look at how much he has changed. You’d scarcely believe they were the same person, but this is totally the same dude who secured a promise of weapons for the Rising from the Germans.

joseph plunkett

Well, someone’s had some work done! We’re not saying Padraig doesn’t look well, but he doesn’t really look like the 36-year-old who was part of a rebellion the Irish Independent called “insane and criminal”, does he?


With his trademark sense of style seemingly something of the past, we have to confess we barely recognised James Connolly, but trust us, it is definitely him even if his famous looks have faded.

james connolly

Obviously hoping she wouldn’t be recognised, Countess Markievicz opted not to gow ith the hat we are all so familiar seeing her in. The most prominent female figure in the Rising, Markiewicz does look a little different now and now might to the time to invest in some anti-aging creams.

countess markievicz

Michael, Michael, Michael. Though not one of the 14 men executed for their part in the rebellion it is worth throwing this photo in because we can freely speculate on the health of Collins. Without knowing any details whatsoever we can safely say he’s on the heroin. You don’t look your best there buddy. He is in our thoughts though, hope you get better soon Big Fella.

michael collins
