1916 Centenary: Primary Schools To Receive Flag, Copy Of Proclamation & Bill They Owe The IMF


THERE were joyous scenes at St Patrick’s primary school in Dublin’s city centre as the Taoiseach was on hand to personally deliver items which will also be sent out to over 3,000 schools in order to mark the 100th anniversary of the 1916 Rising next year.

A new tricolour, first hoisted over the GPO all those years ago will find its way into primary schools up and down the country along with the impassioned document, the Proclamation which set out the blueprint for an Irish Republic.

Additionally to these items, the Government has begun to bill the children of Ireland’s future, sending each school their share of the money owed to the State’s creditors, chiefly the IMF.

Cameras flickered excitedly as a beaming Taoiseach proudly handed over three symbols so intrinsically linked to Ireland and recent 100 year history, to junior infants enrolled at St Patrick’s.

“We had contemplated sending out the bills separately, but cost wise it made sense to do it in one go,” confirmed the Taoiseach, “and it was important to make sure each and every primary school child knew what was awaiting them in the future; a noble proclamation which offers equality for all, a fairly nice flag and a truckload of debt”.

The bill, which shows each citizen owes roughly €50,000 each, was specially designed by local artist Tristram O’Herlihy.

“It was felt the bill shouldn’t just be any old bill, this is something we want the kids to keep a hold of, to remind them of their future responsibility,” the Taoiseach added, “so we had some lad do one up and laminate it and everything. It looks great.”

The Taoiseach was then asked to leave the Dublin school after a number of children began crying as they slowly realised their dreams of owning lovely things in the future seemed unobtainable.
