Girlfriend Constantly Mistaking Bed For Shelf


A COUNTY Wexford woman has been admitted to Waterford regional hospital today for an MRI scan after her boyfriend found her make-up and accoutrements on the end of their bed again, for the 700th time this year.

Marie Cassidy, who has no history of Alzheimer’s or dementia in the family, will undergo a series of examinations to see why she keeps mistaking the end of her bed for a shelf.

“It’s nearly everyday now that she does this,” boyfriend Cathal Murray told staff at the hospital. “I could find anything there: curling tongs, make-up, hairspray, clothes, even jewellery. Sometimes it’s hard to see the bed with all the stuff she puts on there. The poor pet must have some kind of problem with the receptors in her head or something.”

Ms. Cassidy is expected to stay in hospital overnight for observation, but has already been confronted by nurses about leaving her items on the end of her hospital bed.

“She was only in there three minutes and she already had the bed destroyed.” added her boyfriend. “Hopefully they can fix her and make her normal again.”

On average, 40,000 people are admitted to hospital every year for similar cases involving mistaken shelving areas, with a small minority of those being men who mistakenly leave their clothes on the floor instead of a press or drawer.
