WWN Lonely Hearts


Are you the woman off that 3 ad?

You know the one with the ‘three little words’ shite, was out a while ago. If that’s you, please get in touch as I think you’re an absolute ride.

Reply at [email protected]

What are your thoughts on squirrels?

Not a deal breaker, but I am the proud owner of 63 squirrels and would like to meet someone who doesn’t recoil in horror when I tell them this fact. Would also prefer if you enjoyed nuts, and had a medium to large penis.

Reply at [email protected]

Can you handle me at my average?

I don’t really need a man that can handle me at my worst, so he deserves me at my best. Currently I am somewhere in between, a midway distance between the two really. If that sounds alright to you, hit me up via email!

Reply at [email protected]


If you’re the type of woman who is impressed by a man who currently has €246.68 in his bank account, well then you’re going to love me. Some of that money could go towards a trip to the cinema or a reasonably priced meal. Ideally we’d go in halves, but as you can tell from my balance I can more than handle the expenses involved.

Reply at [email protected]
