Mother Of Junior Cert Student Tells Everyone Except Son On Facebook How Proud She Is


A COUNTY Tipperary mother openly praised her son’s Junior Certificate results on Facebook today, without actually telling him herself.

The 45-year-old single mother told her Facebook friends that she ‘couldn’t be happier’  with her son Anthony’s exam results.

Martina Keane posted the lengthy, and slightly over-detailed status update at 10am this morning.

“It was a tough year for Tony because his prick father was never there for him at all through his studies.” Ms. Keane stated. “Thankfully Tony overcame his neglect and managed to scrape past the Junior cert regardless of his fathers lack of interest. I couldn’t be happier with what my brave boy achieved.”

Meanwhile, her son confirmed that he had absolutely no knowledge of the Facebook post in question, and told Waterford Whispers News that he never received any direct praise from his mother for passing the exam.

“I don’t have her added on Facebook so I had no idea!” he said. “If she’s so proud of me then why didn’t she say it to my face? I must hit her for a loan for a few cans now that she’s so happy with my performance.”

A recent CSO study carried out in Ireland showed that 90% of parents prefer to wish their children all the best with their achievements on-line, instead of actually saying it face-to-face.

“You don’t want to be giving them a big head or something.” said one father. “Besides, it looks like you’re doing a great job altogether when you tell your friends on Facebook how great they’re doing.”
