Sock Found On Beach



HUNDREDS of residents from the small seaside village of Clonee, Co. Waterford, have flocked to the beach today after a mysterious sock was found washed up on its shores.

Metal detector enthusiast Thomas Cummins came across the sock this morning at around 8am while out combing the beach. He immediately alerted the local historical society about the find.

“I nearly fainted when I realised what it was,” Mr. Cummins told a local radio station. “In all my years living here in Clonee, I have never come across anything like it. The sock seems to be in a perfect condition too; you could nearly put it on and wear it… a glove or something.”

Members of the local search and rescue team have since cordoned off the area around the sock in a bid to preserve it for sock experts, who are to arrive later on this evening from Wales.

Local historian Alan Walsh told WWN this evening that the sock appears to be from the late 2011/2012 period and was probably worn by a male.

“The diamond crossed stitching suggests this was an everyday sock that would have gone on over the foot and into a shoe, as opposed to over both the shoe and foot,” he explained. “Whoever wore this lived through the great recession. This may have been their only sock at the time. It’s a fascinating piece of history.”

This is the second such find on the beach in just over a year, when in July 2014 a large blue rope was found by joggers in almost the exact same location – it is now on display at the local museum.

Gardaí today are urging spectators not to touch the sock as the sweat from their hands may damage it. Flash photography is also prohibited for the time being.

D12043-119 Abandoned sock 1, Jax Beach
