Local Teenager Clocks 400,000 Steps On Fitbit Without Leaving His Bed


A COUNTY Waterford teenager has clocked over 400,000 fitbit steps in just twelve hours without leaving his bed, he claimed today, smashing a Guinness world record in the process.

Gavin de Búrca, a soon-to-be transition year student in St. Pauls, smashed previous records set by some of the most experienced athletes in the world.

“I went to bed around ten o’clock last night with my fitbit on my wrist. At that stage it had only 1,789 steps on it,” the 16-year-old told WWN. “By the time I woke up I had four hundred thousand clocked up on the counter”.

Mr. de Búrca admitted that this wasn’t the first time the exercise device had spontaneously clocked up a large amount of steps.

“Only last Saturday I clocked up fifty four thousand steps just watching Game Of Thrones before bed,” he recalled. “My parents were out for the night so I just switched on season one to see what all the fuss was about.”

Creator James Park denied there could be any fault in the step-counting device, hinting there may be other explanations behind why the teenager reached so many steps in such a short period of time: “Maybe he should try putting the device on his other hand; see if there is any difference”.
