Twink Purchases .porn & .adult Sites Just To Be Sure


FOLLOWING in the footsteps of fellow celebrity superstar Taylor Swift, Ireland’s panto queen Twink has taken to purchasing domain extensions and in an effort to protect her long established brand, just to be sure.

The move to purchase the sites for a total sum of 1 cent is said to be motivated by news of American singer Taylor Swift’s ‘swift’ decision to purchase the x-rated domains to ensure no one could share pornography using her name.

“With a fame on par with just a select few of the world’s most beloved stars, I couldn’t take the risk that my name would be used for such sexually explicit material,” explained Twink to WWN, “I’m sure you can imagine the amount of people who would searching for my name along with a .porn on the end, oh the mortification”.

Twink denied that she made the purchase of the domain to finally capitalise on the fact her stage name is also gay slang that refers to a certain type of thin, youthful and effeminate gay men.

“This is most definitely a business move, but a move to protect the legacy I have made for myself. If, say a gay porn company was to get in touch and offered me, oh, I don’t know, €100,000 for the domain names, I would tell them not to get in touch with my agent and ask for my number, that’s for sure,” Twink confirmed.

However, Twink is not the only Irish celebrity to make their first tentative steps into the murky world of .porn domains as Daniel O’Donnell announced in his weekly newsletter to his fan club that he has purchased his domain and considered now a perfect time to expand his brand into hardcore pornography aimed at the over 85s market.
