“Greek Finance Minister Thinks He’s Fucking Great Or Something” – Michael Noonan


“He’s walking around the place like he owns it,” Irish finance minister Michael Noonan told WWN today following his return from a meeting of EU finance ministers at the EU Council building in Brussels last week. “Everyone’s only talking to him because his country owes them a fortune. They’re not really his friends. Angela and Christine are only playing him along”.

Mr. Noonan’s comments comes just one day after a reforms list, which is a condition for extending the country’s financial lifeline, was to be handed in by Mr. Varoufakis, but failed to do so.

“I keep telling everyone he’s bad news; you can tell by the shifty eyes on the hoor when he’s looking at ya,” he claimed. “I’d love to knock that smirk to the other side of his chiselled face.”

Bitterly adding: “It’s all Yanis this, Yanis that. Where was Yanis when the Greek shit really hit the fan, huh? Where was he then? Writing books about the whole thing and making money on it like that McWilliams cunt here, that’s where!”

Up until last year, Yanis Varoufakis was a full-time political economist and author. In 1987 he received his economics doctorate at the University of Essex, before going on to lecture at some of the world’s most prestigious Universities, including: the University of Essex, East Anglia, Cambridge, Texas and Sidney.

“Sure, what would that cunt know about politics anyway?” questioned our finance Minister, who worked as a secondary school teacher in Dublin before entering politics 41 years ago. “Just cause he looks good and wears nice clothes doesn’t make him a Greek God.

Mr. Noonan went on to warn fellow politicians not to be fooled by Mr. Varoufakis’ charm and wit, claiming it was a cunning ruse to distract them from his real goal of not paying Europe back.

“You wait and see; they’ll all come running back with their tails between their legs saying ‘You were right all along Michael – we should have never have doubted you’,” he added. “And I won’t say a thing because I’m not like that. I’ll just keep plodding away doing the motions, like I always do.”
