Poignant Scenes In Dublin Estate As Water Meter Installers Have Game Of Football With Protestors


irish water
THERE were touching scenes in a Dublin housing estate this morning, as workers from Irish Water threw down their shovels and took part in a football match against a team of anti-water charge protesters.

Residents of the Darndale estate on the Northside gathered to watch the impromptu match, which took place at half eight this morning when the squad of workers arrived to complete their last day of meter installing before the Christmas break.

Met as usual with angry protesters from around the area, there was a break in the tension after a young Irish Water worker implored the protesters to not be so loud, as he had been on a 12 Pubs crawl the night before and “could hardly see straight with a hangover”.

A rapport built between the two groups as they shared stories of Christmas parties and drinking binges. A party atmosphere ensued as protesters threw down their picket signs, and the meter installers threw off their high-viz vests and helmets. It is at this moment unclear as to who produced a football, but at half nine there was a five-a-side match in full swing on a nearby green area.

“The two teams of lads were out there, kicking the ball around and having a great time,” said one witness to the historical match.

“They had water meter chambers as goalposts, and the whole community came out to see them play. I don’t know what the final score was, I’m not sure anyone even kept count. Anyone that wasn’t playing, protester and installers alike, were on the sidelines cheering them on and drinking tea”.

As the match drew to a close, both sides shook hands before the Irish Water workers loaded up their van and headed home early for the day. Meter installation is expected to resume in the new year, at which point those that shared the poignant Christmas match will be on opposing sides once again.
