Neighbour Wins Imaginary Christmas Lights Competition In His Head For 5th Year Running


A COUNTY Cork man has won the annual Christmas light competition in his head again, for the fifth year in a row.

Thomas Egan received the coveted prize in his imagination at lunchtime today, after spending 6 hours carefully erecting various lights and Christmas decorations in sporadic locations around his family home.

The emotional Mr. Egan, who works as an electrician, thanked everyone in the neighbourhood who voted for him in a heartwarming speech –  most of which was uttered as he tidied up tools and things from the garden.

“I know I say this every year, but I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for my wife Jane and son Alex,” he mumbled to himself. “It means a lot to know that everyone in the neighbourhood appreciates my hard work here every year.

“And where would I be without my suppliers, Tesco, who, with their large selection of outdoor lighting and plastic reindeers, it would not have been possible.”

Despite being the owner of the only decorated house in the area, Thomas gave a shout out to the “other entries”.

“Maybe someone will take it from me next year,” he insisted. “I’m just so emotional.”

Holding back the tears, the 37-year-old took a moment to gather himself, and the plastic cable ties he left scattered on the lawn.

“I can’t believe I’m crying,” he said, aloud this time, checking around to see if anyone was looking. ” I’d like to thank you all from the bottom of my heart. This is a moment I will never forget. Thank you all so much.”

Wiping his tears, the neighbourhood’s newly crowned Christmas light king took a bow, waving kindly to all those imaginary people tucked away in the crevasses of his frontal lobe.
