Waterford Man ‘Extremely Self-Conscious’ With Lidl Bag In Super Valu


A COUNTY Waterford man admitted he was ‘extremely self-conscious’ using a Lidl bag in Super Valu earlier today, and regrets not bringing a more conventional, cotton bag instead.

Tony Kennedy arrived at the shop on the Tramore road at 11:57am without realising he was carrying a very recognisable blue and yellow heavy duty plastic Lidl bag.

“I didn’t notice until I got to the butchers section at the back of the store.” said the father of kids. “I felt like some tit, so I turned it inside out and hid it under some of the messages.”

Mr. Kennedy usually shops for vegetables in Lidl after Super Valu, but was sidetracked by roadworks, thus forcing the clueless victim into the prestigious store carrying the bag.

It is not known if the 46-year-old was spotted by anyone of significance, but Mr. Kennedy believes he was most definitely judged by the till operator upon payment.

“I had no choice but to reveal my inside out Lidl bag at the checkout.” he said. “Then I realised I had only change in my wallet and it took me ages to count it.”

“I didn’t pay a €350,000 mortgage in Ardkeen village for this crap to happen.” he scoffed.

The part-time beverage taster said that from now on he will keep a spare ‘bag for life’ in the car boot at all time’s so to avoid future embarrassment. He then advised other shoppers not to be so judgmental next time they see someone with a Lidl bag.

“Who knows, they could be a doctor or a banker for all you know.” he said. “Don’t judge a book by its shopping bag.”
