Kids Urged To ‘Rock Back And Forth And Hum’ While Childline Closes At Night


CHILDREN in need of help are being urged to ‘rock back and forth and hum’ during proposed new closing times for the country’s only ear for kids suffering physical and mental abuse, the government advised today.

Children’s charity, Childline, says it has to curtail night services after reaching breaking point due to a lack of funding, forcing it to go from a 24-hour-service, to a 12 hour service in what is to be one of its busiest times of the year.

“Rocking back and forth while humming should help them through whatever trauma they are going through,” advised Taoiseach Enda Kenny, speaking outside government buildings today. “I’ve heard that curling up in the fetal position while putting your hands over your ears can also help block out physical and verbal abuse. It’s only for a few hours until the line opens again in the morning.

“Sure, they won’t feel the time flying,” he added.

The Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (ISPCC) claims that around one in three calls to its flagship service, which is funded almost exclusively by public donations, goes unanswered, and that “rocking back and forth” is not an option for some callers.

“We appreciate the Government’s glorious input, but Childline needs funding and support from the state to employ additional staff so we can have greater numbers to cover shifts,” said Director of Services, Hazel Bradshaw. “We currently handle almost two thousand calls a day. Maybe we should just redirect them to Enda Kenny instead?”

At the moment, there is very little government backing for helpline services like Childline which continue daily to struggle with whatever public donations they get.

The charity has made an emergency appeal that will run throughout November. Donations to the campaign can be made online, or by phone at 1850 50 40 50 or simply text ‘Childline’ to 57911 to donate €4.
