Irish Water Director Also Works As Big Issue Vendor


IRISH Water director Hilary Quinlan has come under fire yet again today after it was revealed that he also sells Big Issue magazines in Waterford city during the morning rush hour, bringing his total number of jobs to 12.

The former Fine Gael Councillor was snapped outside a local train station today at 8:30am, begging people to buy the homeless funding magazine.

Mr. Quinlan, who was hired recently as a ministerial driver by Paudie Coffey, the junior minister at the Department of the Environment, defended his positions, stating that he has had to put food on his family’s table too.

“Plenty of people I know work several jobs,” Quinlan told WWN this morning, standing beside a car parking meter with a large bundle of magazines. “I do an hour or two here, then I drive Paudie around for a bit. So what? I lost my seat this year, so I have to supplement all that money somehow.”

In total, Mr. Quinlan confirmed he worked twelve different jobs throughout the working week, including a position as a Kitchen Porter in a local hotel, charity scratch card distributor and several fast food delivery jobs at night time.

“It’s nice to keep yourself busy.” he added, hounding a car owner for spare change.
