Gardai To Keep Bale Of Coke For The Christmas Party


GARDAI and Navy personnel responsible for a massive drug bust off the coast of County Cork are expected to “split” a bale of cocaine between them for the up-and-coming Christmas party in December, it has been revealed earlier.

The cargo of drugs with a street value of €88m was found on board a 60ft yacht after it was stormed by armed units. The vessel was towed slowly to Haulbowline naval base in Cork harbour, where 41 bales of the drug were unloaded onto the pier for a brief press opportunity.

Speaking at the scene, National Crime Agency spokesperson Gerard Hogan told WWN that they will round off the figure to 40 bales, weighing in at just under one tonne of Columbians finest.

“I can’t feel my face,” said Hogan, who admitted sampling the shipment in a test for purity. “Seriously man, do my eyes look funny to you? Best we keep that odd bale for the Xmas party. There’ll be some pints drank that night!”

“I’m dreaming of a white Christmas, just like the ones I used to know…..” he added, singing, while warming up for a jog.

Meanwhile, the three men arrested on board are still being questioned at the Bridewell station in Cork city where they can be beaten for a total of seven days
