Fan Who Bet On Man Utd Winning The League Discharged From Mental Institution



CONCERN for a vulnerable Manchester United fan has intensified after his family and friends learned he had been discharged from a mental institution despite the fact he had bet on the Manchester club to win the premier league.

“He’s clearly not well and I can’t believe they’ve discharged him. We’re thinking of suing as this is just negligence,” said the father of the fan in question Will Johnson.

Will was brought to the institute just outside Manchester after he told friends and family, he put as many as 10 pounds on the Old Trafford club to win the league following their recent win against QPR which saw them go on a winning run of one game.

“Will was angry as we had taken him to the hospital before the Leicester match kicked off,” explained the former patient’s mother, “but the doctor took him straight away, saying they didn’t need to wait on the result as Will was clearly delusional”.

The Red Devils fan had tried to justify his behaviour, but further confirmed his unstable state by repeating the word ‘Falcao’ over and over again as if it had some meaning. In retrospect, Will’s parents said the signs were always there citing a troubling incident whereby he referred to Nani, now on loan at Sporting Lisbon, as ‘world class’.

Despite this initial diagnosis Will was released after further tests were carried out on the performances of title rivals Arsenal, Man City, Chelsea and Liverpool.

“We felt that while Will was losing touch with reality we couldn’t keep him in the facility as we would then have to take fans from several other clubs who have made similarly optimistic and idiotic punts,” Dr. Frank Caffey told WWN.
