6-Year-Old Indian Child’s Spring/Summer Collection Is Off The Chain


THE fashion world is buzzing today following the emergence of sartorial genius Adhira Bo, a 6-year-old Indian girl who works in a sweat shop in the Bengal province of the country.

While traditionally the trends for the coming fashion season emerge several months before the clothes hit the high street, Adhira’s late entrance into the conversation has sparked a frenzy in the fashion world.

“The stitching is so intricate and precise, she has been given the gift of teeny tiny hands and is utilising them to make the must have looks of the coming season,” an insider at Elle told WWN.

“No other designer is popping the way Adhira is, people went wild for Philip Lim but come on – what Adhira has done with a budget of 20 cents a day is astonishing,” remarked expert blogger Renard Hubert.

Not much is known about Ms. Bo and her life, but many speculate her recent rise to prominence coincided with an increase from a 15 hour working day to 19 hours.

A number of fashion entrepreneurs have taken an interest in the designer with a view to investing in her talent. “Adhira is so hot right now,” shared Benjamin Godfried III, head of fashion empire Expo Loite, “with the costings as they are there’s no reason why with some investment and guidance she couldn’t be earning 30 cent per day by the year’s end.”

Although Ms. Bo’s fashion line Child La Boir is, like its founder, in its infancy the child prodigy is expected to reach the mainstream shops in no time as her work is loaded into a huge shipping container bound for the western world.

She, however, has not been greeted with universal praise as some experts make the claim her profile is still too low to be considered a truly great designer.

“Praising her work is all well and good, but when Adhira’s label ‘Child Labour’, is it? Gets less search results on a publication like Vogue UK’s website than say ‘scarf’ does – you know you’ve got a long way to go to convince some people you are here to stay,” shared fashion consultant Louise Devine.
