Warning! You’re Going To Feel Old: Pharrell’s ‘Happy’ Is 10 Months Old



WWN is taking another trip down nostalgia lane as part of our groundbreaking HerDailyEnterJoement.

OMG, can you believe Pharrell’s hit ‘Happy’ was released way, way back in 2013? We can scarcely believe it ourselves, ugh, the big ten months is virtually a lifetime away.

Released on the 20th of November 2013, a time when crop tops and shite 90s keyboards were back in fashion, it certainly doesn’t resemble Ireland today that’s for sure. Fine Gael and Labour in power? Lol. Nevermind notions of an economy struggling on the road to recovery – much has changed since those distant days.

We totally forgot people used to make their own videos to the song as well, wow, mad times.

In 2013 even Beyoncé was still popular, it was a completely different world. ‘Happy’ was the little song backed by a major label that could. The monster hit was one of the last classic pop songs of the era between November 2013 and September 2014.

‘Happy’, with its thesis of trying to find any contentment in our brief and meaningless sojourn here on earth, shot to the top of the charts and stayed there for what seems like an eternity. Remember, these were the days were people still used iTunes and Spotify! I know, I know, the kids of today have it so easy.

Seriously though ten months! Pregnancies only last nine months. If you were 21 in November, you’d nearly be 22 now, scary! We’re feeling totally old in the WWN offices today. Is that a wrinkle? A grey hair? Oh no! LOL!

This post was not sponsored by the super deluxe rerelease ten month anniversary special collector’s edition of ‘Hap
