Attention Whore Desperately Waiting To Be Nominated For Ice Bucket Challenge



A SOUTH Dublin based woman is today beginning her fourth day of waiting to be nominated for the Ice Bucket Challenge, in an attempt to post a hilarious video of herself on social media and have everyone tell her that she’s totally amazing.

Sorcha O’Malley, a 23-year-old Terenure woman and known attention whore, has expressed concern that she will never get to partake in the viral sensation, which sees people douse themselves in icy-cold water in an effort to raise awareness for Motor Neuron Disease.

Once nominated, the participant has 24 hours to make a donation to the Irish Motor Neuron Disease Association before posting their icy drenching online and nominating three other people. Desperate to take part, O’Malley has resorted to reverse-psychology tactics, including posting ‘OMG, I hope no one noms me 4 Ice Bucket challenge!!!’ every hour.

“I’ve like, totally got the bucket and everything,” said O’Malley, who hasn’t stopped checking her phone for updates all day.

“And I’ve got like, such an amazing swimsuit to wear while doing it, the whole thing is going to be HILARIOUS. All I need now is for one of my mates to nominate me… so far, most of them have already done it, but they’ve like, only nominated their family, or people I don’t even know? What’s all that about?”

Steadfastly refusing to donate a cent to charity until she gets her day in the internet sun, O’Malley hopes to be nominated soon before the icy internet craze cools.

“This is going to be fucking necknominations all over again,” sighed Sorcha, while clicking refresh on her web browser constantly.

“I was waiting to get in on the necknomination bants for a week, and by the time someone nominated me nobody cared anymore. I only got like, five likes on the video I put up. What if I don’t get my Ice-Bucket nomination till next week, and only get five likes on my video? It’ll have been like, a total waste of time”.
