Vagina Selfies During Birth Craze Sweeping Across Social Media



The latest example of how crazy a day on the internet can get involves a new selfie craze emanating from the delivery rooms of hospitals across the world, that has seen some not-so-necessary photos put up onto the internet for all to see.

Vagina selfies are being taken by new mothers as they are about to give birth. Using several different hash tags such as #VAGFIES, #BIRTHFIES and #LookAtTheChildComingOutOfMyVagina.

“Most worrying of all is that we do not yet have a definitive hash tag for this social trend,” shared social media expert Van Jilkes, “how in the name God, can we get this trending if we don’t have a clear hash tag policy, people are idiots.”

Thankfully a number of sites, including Buzzfeed, have collated the best, worst, and most bizarre birth selfies on offer with many now being used as a handy descriptor for a specific mood in true meme-like fashion.

As of this article’s publication ’29 giving birth vagina selfies you never knew you needed to see’ has been viewed over 500,000 times.

“Who wouldn’t want to share that moment on all 23 of their social media accounts,” queried one birth-vagina selfie enthusiast Nora Holden, “selfies are boring now, what value can anyone get out of all those photos I took of myself, we need to move on and create new selfie experiences. Now I have a beautiful testament to both my newborn child and selfies, and I’ve like 200 new followers of Twitter”.

The trend is expected to become even more ubiquitous as expectant celebrities such as Mila Kunis have not come out to publicly state they will not take a selfie of their vaginas while giving birth, leaving many to speculate they will take multiple vagina-birth selfies and look to tie in their selfies with new celebrity ventures.

One lucky vagina selfie taker managed to get Rihanna to pose alongside the birth as she happened to be passing by the hospital at the time. The tweet has been retweeted 32,000 times.

A backlash against some mothers has already taken place as they have employed a number of filters and some photoshop to perfect that once in a lifetime snap.

Mother’s who have opted for C-sections have been criticised for trying to partake in the selfie trend with one twitter user going as far as to say “that’s nasty, we don’t wanna see up in yo stomach, have respect please.”

While no one is sure who exactly started the trend many people have decided it’s best to blame Kim Kardashian if at all possible.
