Shatter Arrives At Dail With Buns For Everyone



Following a day of intense questioning as to his handling of the Garda Whistle Blower scandals, Alan Shatter arrived at Leinster House this morning with buns for everyone at ten o’clock break.

The beleaguered Minister For Justice brought the buns to the canteen and told everyone to help themselves, from his fellow Fine Gael TDs to opposition party members.

“My wife Carol is on a mad baking buzz these days” claimed Shatter, who narrowly escaped with his job following a day of gruelling scrutiny over his knowledge of the Garda phone tapping scandal which came to light earlier this week.

“She made all these yesterday, sure we were never going to eat them all. I said I’d bring them in, sure there’s no sense in letting them go to waste, right? Did you have a bun yourself? Work away”.

Vocal opponents of Minister Shatter have agreed among themselves to hold off on any further questioning during todays Dail session, as none of them want to appear ungrateful after helping themselves to the buns. Sinn Feins Mary Lou McDonald, who only yesterday claimed Shatters position to be “untenable”, told WWN that she will give it a week or so before going back on the attack.

“Ah, his wife went to a lot trouble, so she did, ” said the Sinn Fein Vice President as she cut a bun in half, buttered it and put it back together like a little sandwich. “And it’s nice to get buns at work. Sometimes we get cake if it’s someones birthday, but never just out of the blue like this”.

“We still have issues with the disgraceful mess that our justice system is in at the minute, and Minister Shatter will have a lot more questions to answer before this is all over. But look at all the buns he brought in. We can hardly call for his resignation today, can we?”
