“Invading Developing Countries Is Kinda Our Job” Obama Warns Russia



IN HIS starkest warning yet, President of the United States, Barack Obama told Russian President Vladimir Putin that his dispatch of troops to Ukraine flouted international law and warned him that ‘Invading developing countries is kinda the USA’s job’.

Speaking from The White House via telephone earlier, Mr. Obama told Mr. Putin that he had ‘overstepped the mark’ this time and called the recent invasion of Ukraine by Russia, ‘plagiarism’ on the highest level.

Sources inside the oval office claim the conversation became quite heated when Mr. Obama called the Russian president a ‘Copy Cat’ in Russian.

“The funny thing is that he didn’t actually say it in the Russian language, but actually said ‘Copy Cat in Russian’, totally confusing the entire conversation.” claimed the source. “In fact, the whole ninety minute phone conversation was incoherent. Mr. Putin’s English is terrible, even when you’re lucky to catch him sober.”

The White House account of the call was unusually detailed, hinting at tense exchanges as fractures deepened in a relationship that has been deteriorating since Putin returned as president in 2012.

“Obama socked it to him good,” stated US Secretary of State John Kerry. “Those Ruskies need to be taken down a peg or two – like the good old days.”

The US have stepped up pressure against Russia after the ex-soviet state announced it was invading the Ukraine yesterday afternoon.

Tensions have been mounting between the two super-powers since the US realised Ukraine is the main gateway for the Europe/Russia gas pipeline.
