Woman Find’s True Love With Elderly Man’s Bank Balance


In local news today a Tramore woman is said to be planning Waterford’s biggest ever wedding after a chance encounter with an infirm and elderly American Billionaire earlier this month.

Trudy Gilmartin, met Texan billionaire Roy Herbert Jones (89) by chance after closely monitoring his movements via a number of social media sites. They bumped into each other while Roy was tracing his Irish roots in the town.

“The chances of little old me meeting Roy were probably about 3.456 billion-to-1. It was love at first sight, no question about it,” shared a joyous Trudy.

Roy, too ill to speak to WWN, instead typed in an email to us that he had ‘never met a more genuine person in his life. Would you believe she had no idea who I was? Me, a world famous businessman. Love is truly the greatest of riches one can possess’.

Trudy admits she is in no rush to get married, but “what with Waterford Castle being free between 6.30pm and 6.59pm tomorrow evening we might as well”.

The ceremony is expected to be attended by a number of Trudy’s family, but sadly it was too short notice to invite any of Roy’s irate children and relatives.

“Some have said the 100ft tall ice sculpture is overkill but you only get married once, right?” asked Trudy.

The wedding will receive the star treatment with a 48-page spread in Life Magazine in the Sunday Independent.
