JobBridge Intern’s First Task Is To Fire The Veteran Journalist He Is Replacing


Kevin Murray, a media studies graduate, started his JobBridge internship today in WWN towers with a bang.

After waiting politely at an empty reception desk for some time Kevin was scolded by receptionist Maureen Connolly for being 30 minutes late. Kevin met with WWN head honcho Colm Williamson and was told of the high standards and hard work expected of him.

Mr. Williamson then told Kevin that his first official desk as a journalist was awaiting him just down the corridor.

All Kevin had to do was tell Tom Fleming, a 30-year veteran of the news scene, that he was being fired and replaced by a wet behind the ears Masters degree holder.

In understandably emotional scenes Tom threatened the life of the 24-year-old intern. So incensed was the venerable sports writer that he urinated on Kevin’s slacks before locking him up in the stationery cupboard.

After listening to close to 324 expletives from the safety of the 3 x 4 foot pitch black cupboard Kevin thought it best to ring the Gardaí.

Tom, 3-time sports journalist of the year, was apprehended by Gardaí as he typed up a ‘list of enemies’ on his typewriter while leaving a ‘present’ on Mr. Williamson’s office floor.

Kevin capped off an intellectually nourishing first day at the coalface of 21st century Irish media by angling his trouser leg at the hand dryer in the toilets.

Thanks for the opportunity @ColmWhispers and thanks to @JobbridgeNIS also. Raring to go now! #teamwwn #jobbridge

— Kevin The Intern (@JobBridgeIntern) January 8, 2014
