Toddlers Were Only Having A Cigarette Break, Says Crèche



MANAGEMENT AT THE Giraffe crèche in Stepaside in south Dublin said the two toddlers, who left the facility by themselves yesterday, were ‘only outside for a cigarette break’ and they were not in any immediate danger.

In a statement issued last night, a spokesperson for the Giraffe crèche, which featured in a Prime Time programme on child care earlier this year, confirmed the two children had left the premises due to strict anti-smoking guidelines in the building.

“We do not allow smoking in any of our crèches.” said James Morris, managing director of the Stepaside branch. “Every toddler knows the rules here and stick by them for health and safety reasons.”

Mr. Morris added that since the prime time investigation, toddlers have been very stressed about the ongoing publicity and nit-picking by the media, leaving management at the crèche no choice but to cater for extended cigarette breaks across the board.

“No one seems to think of the real victims here – the children.” he said.

However, critics of the company claimed that the two toddlers in yesterdays incident were not smoking, but were made ‘keep sketch’ by staff at the facility for under cover journalists.

“There is always two children patrolling the perimeter of every Giraffe créche at any one time.” said one investigative journalist, who wished to remain anonymous. “Once they get a hint of anything, they scamper inside to raise the alarm.”

“This has become an everyday practice since the Prime time investigation in late May this year.”
