Mandella To ‘Hang Around’ For Final Season Of Breaking Bad, Say Relatives


(FILES) A file photo taken on August 28,

FAMILY MEMBERS of former south African president, Nelson Mandela, have said the 94-year-old will ‘hang around’ for the final season of breaking bad.

Mr. Mandela’s wife has thanked South Africans and people around the world for sending thousands of messages “to lighten the burden of anxiety” about his health, and told press earlier that the anti-apartheid revolutionary vowed to stay alive long enough to see the entire season finale of his favourite drama series.

“Nelson is a huge fan of the show and thinks the main character Walter is going to get caught in the final episode.” said Graca Machel, who married Mandela in 1998.

Season five of Breaking Bad is due to premier in July this year and will be broken up into two parts, which will run until the end of the year.

However, doctors  for the former president said he is still very weak at the moment and keeps asking if its ‘Breaking bad time yet?’.

“Mr. Mandela currently has the show running back to back in his room.” said a nurse on the intensive care ward. “He even requested a ‘Hector bell’ so he could ring it when he needs to change the DVD over.”

The anti-apartheid hero went into hospital last week with a severe chest infection and was placed on the critical list before the weekend.
