Dublin Priest Arrested Over Fetus Porn Images



A Dublin priest purported to have shared graphic images of four week old fetuses in sexual poses is facing pornography charges.

In a document filed to the DPP on Monday, investigators claim a stash of 4,100 images of fetus pornography were found during a 2008 search of Fr.George McKenna’s home.

Investigators were tipped off by an anonymous caller who claimed that 14 images of naked fetuses in compromising positions were sent directly to his yahoo mail inbox. The caller gave the man’s I.D. as ‘Fr_Mac22’ which Gardai then found to be registered to a Fr. George McKenna.

“Fr_Mac22” Gardai said, e-mailed an image of a 24 week-old naked fetus in the womb to another online user, stating it was fetus porn.

Using an Internet protocol address, a Garda computer forensics squad tracked the source of the messages to the priests home. The house was then raided after a search and detain warrant was issued by Judge Thomas Hackett.

Interviewed following the search, the sick monster allegedly admitted to possessing the fetus pornography but later said it was for “research”.

Fr. McKenna said that the images were for work purposes only.

Gardai later located about 5,700 images of various unborn fetuses posing in sexual positions in the womb.

Detectives also found several hundred images of “what appear to be sperm cells penetrating a female egg.” according to the charging documents. The photos were described as ‘the worst they had ever seen’.
