Confusion Over End Of The World Date Causes Global Conflict, Leaving Billions Dead


BILLIONS of people are feared dead today after a mix up over the end of the world date caused mass hysteria around the world, forcing the majority of the population into conflict with each other, leaving most dead.

Talks of violence first broke out on-line through social networks over the actual end date of the Mayan calendar.

It is believed that over 40% of people thought the end of the world was in fact today, the 12/12/12,  instead of the actual date , the 21/12/12,  leading many to violent clashes to the death across the globe.

Reports flooded in from around the country about how brother killed brother on the streets in gruesome hand to hand combat.

It is estimated that only 10% of the entire worlds population has survived the massacre.

Waterford man Tony Newport told WWN how he slayed his entire family this morning after his 15-year-old son insisted that the Mayan calendar was due to finish today at twelve minutes past noon.

“I don’t know what came over me.” said the now father of none. “I just got up, walked to the kitchen and grabbed the biggest knife I could find. The next thing I know I’m throwing white rubbish bags full of body parts into the wheelie-bin outside.”

Meanwhile in Dail Eireann, only four TD’s turned up for proceedings, leaving many to believe the rest didn’t make it through the night.

Miraculously all four were Sinn Fein member’s, including party leader Gerry Adams.

Mr. Adams addressed the remainder of the country earlier, stating: “As leader of the only party available to the people, I have no other option but to take control of the state.”

Marshall law was called before the Sinn Fein leader ordered the immediate deployment of troops to seize Northern Ireland.

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