Police Probe ‘Big Girls Blouse’ Tweet Made Against Poor Innocent Footballer


BRITISH Police are investigating a series of nasty comments made against a Premiership footballer after a complaint was made earlier this morning by a member of the public.

The striker, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was verbally abused on-line for several agonising minutes before eventually logging off his computer in disgust.

A twitter follower, believed to be from London, referred to the player as a ‘big girls blouse’ on his twitter page.

Several comments were made by the footballer following the abuse, attacking the assailant by saying that he wasn’t a big girls blouse, but that the assailant actually was.

A series of ‘am nots’ and ‘are too’ replies were thrown back and forth for quite some time, a source has claimed.

The twitter follwer then put the final nail in the coffin by saying that the footballer was ‘nothing but a big poopy pants’.

A Lawyer for the 22-year-old said he was absolutely devastated after the unprovoked attack.

“My client has not come out of his bedroom all day and insists he be left alone.”

“He doesn’t like twitter anymore and said he will never use it again for as long as he lives.” he added.

Manchester Police said it was now investigating the comments made on the social networking site at the weekend.

Experts believe the ‘big girls blouse’ term is understood to mean ‘someone who is all frilly and girly and stuff’.

A Police spokesman said: ‘This kind of on-line bullying will have to stop. Otherwise we’ll have to take all the twitter accounts down and lock them in a press somewhere until people start being nice to each other again”.
