McGuinness Said To Be ‘Grasping At Straws’ As Dana’s Car Tyre ‘Blows Out’ On Motorway


SINN FEIN presidential candidate Martin McGuinness was said to be ‘grasping at straws’ today after news that Independent presidential candidate Dana Rosemary Scallon’s car suffered a suspicious tyre blowout on a motorway.

Ms Scallon was asleep in the back seat when the car her husband was driving drove over hundreds of carefully placed stainless steel nails on the M4 near Kilcock, Co Kildare last night.

The nails were later believed to have been bought in Derry only a day before the incident, leaving some speculators to believe it was the work of the ex-IRA chiefs.

The 60-year-old anti-European Eurovision winner said her legal team are currently making statements to gardaí.

“We have our suspicions who planted the nails.” Ms Scallon said today. “I think we are all very lucky to be here today. I never start a journey without saying a little prayer to the sun God Horus. I hope who ever did this will be brought to justice.”

The incident happened at about 9.00pm Northern Ireland Mean Time (NIMT).

Martin McGuinness was not available for questioning today but a campaign spokesman said the presidential hopeful had absolutely no knowledge of the incident until this morning.

He said: “Mr.McGuinness was at home in bed with his wife at the time of the incident. We ask the media to be very careful about what they say regarding the matter. These allegations are unfounded and untrue.”

Fine Gael candidate Gay Mitchell told a crowd of reporters in Cavan earlier that this had all the signs of a person ‘grasping at straws.’

“I am not blaming any of the other candidates for what happened last night, but what I will say is that if it was someone involved in the campaign, they should step down from the race and face defeat.”

Mr. Mitchell then added “It was a nice try, but it didn’t work.”
