Gallagher Campaign In Jeopardy After Pitbull Terrier Claims To Be Biological Mother


PRESIDENTIAL candidate Sean Gallagher was not available for comment today after a purebred Pitbull Terrier bitch claimed she was his biological mother.

The revelations came after an exclusive interview with the bitch yesterday afternoon.

‘Snowy’ told WWN she was Gallaghers long lost biological mother and that she has been trying to get in contact with him for several years.

“I have tried everything to arrange a meeting with Sean. He never returns any of my calls.” said the distraught mother of 18.

“He knows where I am but not once has he ever made the effort to contact me.”

“My boy just took off one day and never came back.”

“I know he’s ashamed of his roots but we’re family and we need to be together.”

Snowy said Mr.Gallagher left her home in Cavan in 1997 to make a better life for himself in ‘the big smoke’. He would visit her every week end without fail. Then suddenly he just stopped.

Snowy claims the reason why her son stopped coming home was because he got involved with an elite group of men called ‘Fianna Fail’.

“Once he started mixing in with that lot he just changed for the worst.”

“Everything became a big secret with him from that time onwards. He didn’t want anyone knowing about where he came from or what business dealings he had with property developers and the likes.

“My little Sean just transformed being the runt of the litter in Cavan to the runt of the litter in Dublin.”

“But he will always be my little runt.” she added.

Snowy said Sean was always a playful child. He would chase cars and loved gnawing on inanimate objects.

“I still have his favourite rubber ball here. I sometimes gnaw on it myself just so I can smell my Sean. All I want is for him to acknowledge me. This is nothing to do with money or spite. I just want my baby back.”

Snowy refused to answer any questions about Sean’s biological father but said she would gladly prove her claims with the aid of a DNA test.
