Over 98,000 Motorists Still Pick Nose Every Day.


MORE than 98,000 drivers a day are picking their nose while driving.

A new WIT survey comes just two days after a Tramore man knocked down a prize heifer outside a Kilmeadan farm while ‘pick driving’ on his way to work.

Under the Road Traffic Act 2009, drivers caught fondling their nostrils while driving will be given 4 penalty points and a €40 fine.

A study that was carried out by the WIT’s statistics department has found that 4% of Irish drivers are still nose picking while driving.

Dr Mossey Ryan and his 2nd year team of statistical statistics students collected data at 3 different road junctions in Waterford city during the ’09 Halloween period.Out of 3,000 vehicles which passed through the junctions, 124 drivers were engaging their nostrils in one way or another.


Garda warning poster.

“The nose picking study has shown, without a doubt, that Irish drivers still pick their nose even though there are tough new laws to battle orifice gouging while operating a motor vehicle.” said the report. It also stated that Irish drivers have the highest picking records in Europe, only shadowing France by a nose hair.

The government banned nose picking in April this year after a Central Statistics Office(CSO) report stated that, on average, at least 8 people die every year at the hands of nasaling drivers.

Drivers caught with their pinky or index finger up their nose will receive an on the spot fine and a four point penalty. Their finger doesn’t even have to be wet to be busted, they merely need to be gesturing the procedure to be fined.

Although, drivers are allowed to plug a nostril when its bleeding profusely.
