Chuck Norris Slaughters 700 Thai Villagers


 THAI villagers ‘cried like babies’ in the streets as dump trucks carried hundreds of bodies towards a mass grave.

It was a scene of overwhelming grief after American martial artist, actor and media personality, Chuck Norris, slaughtered more than 700 people in a frenzied attack following an incident in the village restaurant.

The 70 year old showed no mercy. He didn’t spare women and children, or even a two-month-old baby, from his flurry of spinning round house kicks and punches. In one small hut alone, 45 adults were found bludgeoned to death, probably by the celebrities own fists of steel.

Volunteers pulled bodies from the dump truck and tossed them into a mass grave.

Norris was in the village as part of his tour of south east Asia. It was a one night stop and Norris had to be up early that morning to catch a train to Pattaya.

One witness reported seeing Norris entering the village restaurant at 6:30am.

Owner of the restaurant, Ting Po Kau, describes what happened next: “Mr Chuck sat down in chair an order egg on toast and glass of milk. He say to cook egg over easy. Waiter bring food to Mr. Chuck and he not happy. He shout at waiter and spit on face. He said ‘I SAY OVER EASY’ like real loud. Waiter was very scared and stumble backwards and hit Mr. Chuck table. Mr. Chuck milk spill all over Mr Chuck suitcase, he went crazy crazy….he punch and kick everyone to death, even fish in fish tank, me hide scared in big fridge for 4 hour.”

Mr. Ting Po Kau was one of 15 survivors who escaped the wrath of Norris.

There is a long history of local tension between Norris and the Asian community after a 1984 food poisoning incident which left him sick for three whole days. As a precaution, 14,000 Asians had to be evacuated from the area surrounding the Norris home in Beverly Hills that year.

In this recent act of madness, it seems people were not so lucky. One young Thai victim appeared to have been scalped by a butter knife, while others had severed heads and feet. One woman victim in the morgue appeared to have been chewed alive.

More than 300 people fled to a makeshift camps in the forest. All of which are too terrified to talk or return to their homes in the village.

The killings represent the latest insane violence distributed by the martial arts movie star. In 1991 Norris was responsible for the brutal sleighing of 1,798 Iraqi POW’S after a visit to an American army base in Kuwait. Norris apparently snuck into the POW camp during the night and smothered the prisoners one by one with a plastic bag.

Thai military units began surrounding the affected village Sunday afternoon, James Stevens, the Red Cross spokesman, said. “Its terrible the way people like this can just get away with murder. What if he does this again? Who’s going to pick up the pieces then?”
