Neighbour Only Cutting Grass As Subtle Passive Aggressive Hint To Say Your Garden Is A Fucking Disgrace


AN INTENSE round of fresh mind games has kicked off in Maple Wood Close, Tramore, as busybody neighbour Trevor Gildea has, in the mind of Paul O’Neill, launched into some of the most passive aggressive lawn cutting ever carried out.

“That’s typical of him Carmel, barefaced cheek of him, he’s a pup” barked O’Neill peering out between his sitting room curtains as the roar of Gildea’s mower motor slowly chugged to a stop, “that’s his way of saying it’s about time you cut yours. I always said he was one arrogant… and he’s trimmed the hedge but only his side, the bastard.”

Greeting O’Neill’s wildly paranoid observations with ‘the lawn does need a going over, so what harm if you get it down today’, Carmel O’Neill only plunged her husband further into a pit of bitter displeasure.

“No Carmel, that would be giving him what he wants. I’ll tell you what’ll teach him a lesson; me not so much as clipping a single blade of grass until next summer. Oh, two can play at that game Gildea,” reasoned O’Neill, who had half a mind to place his lawn mower out in the front garden to tease Gildea with.

Much to his wife’s dismay O’Neill spent the next hours pacing alongside the front window while watching ‘how to increase the rate of your grass growth’ Youtube tutorials on his phone.

“That fucker knows I’ve sent him a message Angela, his garden looks worse than the abandoned temples of Angkor Wat,” moaned Trevor Gildea in the adjacent house to his wife Angela. “Right I’m deweeding the driveway, he won’t be able to ignore me then!”
