Dad Enters ‘Sure It’s Always My Fault’ Phase Of Life


A LOCAL WATERFORD father has found himself caught in a Groundhog Day like existence in which he awakes to each new day to discover everything is his fault.

“He started this about 6 months ago,” said youngest daughter Cara Stewart.

“Oh sure, blame me, it’s always my fault somehow,” groused Sean periodically throughout the day when asked about urine on the toilet seat, an abandoned lawn mower left out in the rain, a hob with boiling water left on for hours and the dog being inadvertently locked in the utility room.

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Studies show when Irish fathers reach the age of 50, some 89% develop a sensitivity to being made aware of other people’s displeasure at their shortcomings, no matter how minor and inoffensive the constructive feedback can be.

“The fact I am definitely at fault for all these things shouldn’t matter, I just can’t do anything right, can I? No, it’s all Sean’s fault,” added Sean, shortly before knocking a glass off the kitchen counter sending shards of glass everywhere.

Sean is clocking up at impressive 14 self-pitying proclamations every hour, with his only outlet being fellow fathers who are also sick of getting it from all sides.

“In my own house no less, all my fault though apparently,” said Sean, to a meeting of Faultless Fathers Anonymous, held in a sold out Croke Park.
