‘My Wife & Kids No Longer Talk To Me’ Rally Held Outside Politician’s House


THERE WERE perplexing scenes as a group men choose the outside of Minister Roderic O’Gorman’s home as the location for the largest ever gathering of masked men who have been disowned by friends and family, and blocked on social media by ex-girlfriends.

Carrying placards which bore slogans including ‘I’ve run out of ways to shame my family so I thought I’d try this’, ‘Carol, let me see the kids I promise not show them Great Replacement videos on YouTube anymore’ and ‘Whatever you do don’t report me to the social’, the collection of men confirmed they have a fetish for being widely mocked for their room temperature IQ.

“Everyone on my road knows me as ‘Bungalow’ cus I’ve nothing going on upstairs but I get more of a thrill off being called ‘thicker than elephant shite mixed with cement’ by strangers, so that’s why I’ve turned up here,” explained one man so hideous he wore a mask to save the public from having to set eyes on him.

The men also pointed out that there were several women in attendance who many people will recognise from when they cross the street to avoid them.

“As you know this is a free country, so obviously a group of masked men gathering outside a politician’s house is just one of those normal things that occurs, and sure what’s the harm, well apart from all the high profile harm like a dozen or so arson attacks, a large scale riot and the xenophobic murder of a Croatian man,” confirmed a statement from An Garda Síochána’s Hands Off Policing Unit.

Separate Guinness Book of Records were created by the men at the gathering including:

Largest gathering of men banned from all the dating apps.

Most gold medalists in the ‘I eat my soup with a fork’ world championships in one place.

Record attendance for Useless Cunts Anonymous.
